More about Kenta Kevee Kisaï
▶ researchmap: researcher information in Japan
▶ ORCID: researcher information in the world
▶ Web of Science: researcher information in the world
▶ YouTube: academic presentations and original songs
▶ note: Kyoto Hikari Space
Research Institutions and Granting Organizations
Researcher (Current Position)
▶ Translational Research Center for Medical Innovation (TRI), Foundation for Biomedical Research and Innovation
▶ Medical Statistics Group, TRI, FBRI
MMS and MPH Student
▶ Yoshida Scholarship Foundation
MPH Student
▶ School of Public Health, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University (KUSPH)
▶ Clinical Biostatistics Course (CBC), KUSPH
▶ Dr Takashi OMORI's Laboratory, CBC, KUSPH
MMS Student
▶ Graduate School of Frontier Sciences (GSFS), The University of Tokyo (UTokyo)
▶ Department of Computational Biology and Medical Sciences (CBMS), GSFS, UTokyo
▶ Laboratory of Tumour Cell Biology / Viral Oncogenesis, CBMS, GSFS, UTokyo
▶ Protein Metabolism Project, Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Medical Science
BA Student
▶ College of Creative Studies (CCS), Niigata University (NU)
▶ Dr Shinsaku KOJI’s Laboratory, CCS, NU
Preparatory School Student
▶ Sunyu Preparatory School in Koriyama
High School Student