【KUSPH③】Reflections of M1 Spring Semester
On 26 August 2022, the M1 spring semester ended. It passed so quickly that I didn't even have time to catch my breath! Initially, I had planned to carry on with my research, but there was no time for that.
In the spring semester, I selected the following number of credits:
・MPH (Master of Public Health) Core Subjects: 7 credits / 10 credits
・Basic Medicine: 0 credits / 6 credits (of which 2 credits have already been approved)
・CBC (Clinical Biostatistics Course) Subjects: 9 credits / 19 credits (the rest will be selected in the M1 autumn semester)
・Research Project: 0 credits / 4 credits (M2 year-round)
・Free Credits: 3 credits / no requirement
The master's course to which I belonged last year consisted mainly of research from the M1 year. The CBC, on the other hand, is mainly based on taking classes in the M1 year. The content is not easy, so it was difficult to understand and complete the assignments. The exercise to understand the content of mathematical statistics and present the solutions in the next class was particularly tough. With the support of my two fellow students, I managed to complete the exercise.
The CBC is one of the courses in the KUSPH (Kyoto University School of Public Health).
Logo of KUSPH.
As indicated above, it is characterised by the fact that students can learn not only statistics but also a wide range of public health sciences. There are also many students with work experience in the KUSPH, and most of the students I discussed in classes were older than me. There are frequent opportunities to discuss with students from medical backgrounds, which is a valuable experience for working as a biostatistician. I am grateful to be able to study in the wonderful environment of the KUSPH and will continue to study and do my research.
Zaku-Zaku-Gohan, Kenta Kevee Kisaï, #29