【Seikogakuin②】Best four of the 104th National High School Baseball Championship!

On 18 August 2022, Seikogakuin High School (representing Fukushima Prefecture) reached the last four of the 104th National High School Baseball Championship. I cheer for Seikogakuin every year because the manager of Seikogakuin, Tomoya SAITOU, is a senior at my alma mater, Fukushima Prefectural High School. Until now, their best result has been the top eight, but this year they broke through that barrier.

On 20 August, they lost in the semi-finals.

Seikogakuin lost (cited from NHK '高校野球 仙台育英 聖光学院との東北対決制し決勝へ【詳しく】').

When I was a child, I had the impression that Fukushima Prefecture's teams were weak, but now I have the impression that they are at a national top level. I would like to continue to see the Fukushima Prefecture's teams aiming for the top at the national top level.

Zaku-Zaku-Gohan, Kenta Kevee Kisaï, #28