【COVID-19②】Second Dose of COVID Vaccine

On 10 September 2021, I got my second dose of the COVID vaccine. I was able to book an appointment through my postgraduate school's vaccination service. The vaccine is made by Moderna.

Again, thanks to the excellent skill of the doctor in charge, the injection itself was not painful at all. Fortunately, I had the same mild side effects as the first time. In my case, the only side effects I had were a pain in my left arm and a little sickness in my health.

Side effects and their timing.

My side effects were similar for both the first and second vaccination: arm pain and a little sickness. On the other hand, they tended to appear earlier in the second vaccination than in the first.

The effectiveness of vaccines in preventing infection is gradually becoming clearer, but at this point, it is not as clearly demonstrated as the effectiveness in preventing the onset of disease (Japanese page only), so I will continue to take all possible precautions against infection. I hope that the infectious disease will come to an end soon...

---------From a lecture which I attended as an undergraduate---------

When I was an undergraduate, I attended a lecture given by Prof. Toshio UCHIUMI, an expert in ribosome research. I remember that he said, "In the future, all humanity may suffer from wars and other such things, but we must not forget those invisible enemies such as bacteria and viruses are also a threat. I attended this lecture in the autumn of 2019, and a few months later COVID-19 became a worldwide threat. I felt that he was a very visionary researcher. I wanted then to become a researcher who could contribute to medicine with a wealth of knowledge and calm analysis, just like him.

Zaku-Zaku-Gohan, Kenta Kevee Kisaï, #18